
1BR apartment

New Open/Close to Shibuya sta. 201

Large room type accommodation, up to 5 guests, infants under 2 years old are not included in the number of guests.
Total number of days
¥ x Night

Cleaning fee
Handling fee

Total room rate

The deposit will be refunded upon confirmation of the loss of any lost or damaged items.

Total cost

Close to Shibuya sta. one bedroom with living room and kitchen 201

Suitable for 4 people


  1. Pricing is only applicable to selected period.
  2. If cancellation is required, the cancellation amount will not be refunded within 14 days prior to check-in, and 50% refundable if the cancellation is made by more than 14 days before check-in.
  3. Any change to your check-in/out date must be given at least 14 days in advance, otherwise the reservation cannot be changed or you can only just cancel the reservation.
  4. The rental fee includes all utility charges used within a reasonable range. In case of excessive use, the total monthly amount of utility fee exceeds 15,000 yen (20,000 yen for an apartment with more than 2 bed rooms) an additional fee will be charged.
  5. Any damaged or missing items in the provided apartment will incur a replacement/repair fee (including any labor and transportation cost)
  6. All reservations require a rental contract and passport copy at the time of booking.


This Contract applies to reservation of accommodations or other services by individual consumers or groups of travelers through WACLASS.

1. online reservation

When you book accommodations and the relevant services, please complete the payment data in advance to ensure that the rooms or the relevant services will be successfully booked. Where an order is canceled or not established, WACLASS will return part of the payment in accordance with the relevant provisions, impose handling charges at its sole discretion and inform you of the relevant provisions.

2.Contents of Reservation, Fees

The statement of total room rate (including room rate, cleaning costs, service fees, handling charges, etc.), the mode of payment thereof and other relevant services shall be subject to the indications and descriptions on the websites.

3.change and cancel order 

WACLASS will choose opt-out policies to a reasonable extent to protect the rights and interests of the parties. You may change or cancel orders in accordance with the opt-out policies of WACLASS. You are required to carefully read and consent to such opt-out policies before placing and confirming the orders. You will see detailed descriptions of the opt-out policies on WACLASS's website when you place each order. When you change or cancel an order, you may go through the change or cancellation procedures by following the path of Homepage - Member Center - Itinerary Management on WACLASS's website. WACLASS will return part or all of the payment already made in accordance with its opt-out policies. If the period specified therein expires, it is likely that no refund will be received. If you request for changes in date of order, days of lodging, room type, number of rooms, etc., you may not make such changes unless and until with WACLASS's confirmation and consent. If the total spending contemplated in an order is reduced after the change, WACLASS will go through the refund procedures in accordance with the relevant regulations. The relevant payment will be returned in the mode of payment originally taken by you. If the total spending contemplated in an order is increased after the change, you shall make up the difference in the mode of payment specified in the order. The change request of a consumer shall be submitted no later than 3 days before the effective date of the service concerned. A single order shall only be changed once (subject to the date of the place where the accommodation or service is provided).

Please be noticed!

1.If you cancel/change a reservation

which leads to refund, you shall pay handling charges for the refund formalities at 3% of the total payment (less discount) (including administrative fee, handling charges for refund, exchange fee, etc.)

2 processing fees/notices

WACLASS shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, provide you with occupation information, use information and important notes via e-mail 1-5 days prior to the occupation or the date when the service is performed.

3. Rights and obligations of members

No one under the age of 18 shall be allowed to lodge or use the services performed from this System alone. After a person under the age of 18 is identified, we may reject his/her occupation or stop performing services for him/her without returning the amount already paid by him/her. Prior to occupation or use, an occupier or user is expected to confirm that he/she shall be of the age of 20 years or more (or the age for a legal adult under the laws of the countries or regions where they are from) and have full capacity for civil conduct.

If the hotel rooms or service facilities malfunction for reasons not attributable to you, you shall immediately notify the service provider concerned for handling, replacement or repair. However, if the quality thereof is affected by the malfunction, you may require replacement of the hotel rooms or alternative plans.

You shall be familiar and comply with the management rules of WACLASS. If the facilities of WACLASS are damaged or destroyed due to your intention or negligence during your use thereof, you shall assume the liability for damage.

mid-long term mandatory required by a law or rule

Obligation to care for the furniture and articles ancillary to hotel rooms: lodgers shall properly use and care for the hotel rooms and the furniture and articles ancillary thereto. If the lodgers violate the duty of care referred to above, leading to destruction or damage of the hotel rooms and the furniture and articles ancillary thereto, they shall assume the liability for damage. In the event that a hotel room is destroyed or damaged in a fire, in accordance with the special provisions in Japanese laws, unless the fire is a result of the intention or gross negligence of the lodger concerned, the lodger may not be liable for any damages resulting from the fire.

Obligation to inform of hazards: During your occupation of a hotel room, if it is necessary to repair the hotel room or the furniture and articles ancillary thereto, the expenses for the repair shall be borne by the hotel owner concerned. If prevention of hazards warrants repair of the equipment in the hotel room, the lodger concerned shall immediately notify the hotel owner. If the lodger is negligent in so notifying, leading to irreparable losses to the hotel owner, he/she shall compensate for the damages arising therefrom.

Obligation to return rented property: Upon termination of the lessor-lessee relationship, a lodger shall return the rented property in the state as the same was rented (meaning that after being used, the rented property can generally go back to the state prior to the occupation).




賃貸人 WACLASS株式会社(以下「甲」という)と、賃借人 予約確認書に記載された予約人或いは本物件の滞在人(以下「乙」という)は、次の条件により、マンスリー賃貸借契約を締結することとします。


1 甲は、オンライン予約確認書の表記の物件(以下、「本物件」という。)を住居の一時使用の目的で乙に賃貸し、乙は、この物件に住民登録等はしないこととします。


1 月額の賃料は頭書の通りとし、本契約成立時に一括或いは分割して甲に支払ものとします。振込手数料は乙の負担とします。
2 甲は振込或いはクレジットカード決済で受領した賃料等の領収証は発行しないこととします。
3 日割計算は、頭書の金額とし、1ヶ月を30日として計算します。




1 契約期間は、頭書の通りとします。
2 契約期間を乙が延長したい場合は、乙は契約期間満了の14日前までに、甲に告知することとし、甲が同意した場合に限り延長することができます。


1 解約日は、鍵の返却日をその当日とし、乙は甲に対して期間満了日の変更がある場合、14日前までに甲と部屋の空き状況を確定することとします。
2 鍵の返却は、当日の11時までに、甲に返却することとします。
3 解約日が確定した場合は、次のお客様の予約を優先致します。
4 解約日が確定しない場合もしくは期間満了日の14日前までに乙が甲に連絡をしない場合は、契約書通りの日時で解約とし、次のお客様の予約を優先します。


1 入居日より遡って14日以内のキャンセルは、キャンセル料として賃料の全額を申し受けます。入居日より遡って15日以前のキャンセルは、キャンセル料として賃料の50%を申し受けます。但し、予約完了後48時間以内のキャンセルは無料とします。


1 設置備品は、備品リストに記載の備品とします。
2 設置備品は、マンスリー室に設置してある現状の備品とさせていただき、入居期間中、消耗品類の追加補充は致しません。
3 衛生品(歯ブラシ、ひげ剃り等)は、旅館業法違反になる為、設置しておりません。
4 標準設備備品は退去時、持ち帰ることはできません。


1 保証金の額は、契約要項記載のとおりとし、乙は、契約締結と同時に、甲に預託するものとします。
2 保証金には、利息は付きません。
3 契約の期間中は、乙は、敷金をもって賃料その他の甲に対する一切の債務との相殺を主張することができません。
4 乙に賃料その他本契約に基づく債務の不履行又は甲に対する損害賠償債務があるときは、甲は、保証金をこれに充当することができます。
5 前項の規定により甲が敷金を乙の債務に充当したときは、乙は、遅滞なく保証金の不足額を補填しなければなりません。
6 本契約が終了したときは、乙が本契約に基づく原状回復義務を履行し本物件の明渡しを完了した後、乙の甲に対する本契約に基づく債務その他の一切の債務に充当した後の敷金の残額を、甲は乙に返還するものとします。
7 乙は、保証金に関する債権を第三者に譲渡し、又は債務の担保に供してはなりません。


1 本契約が終了したときは、乙は本物件を原状に回復して無条件で直ちに甲に明渡をしなければなりません。
2 乙の故意過失により、設備備品、室内の造作、設備を毀損汚損した場合は、乙は実費全額を負担することとします。
3 甲は、頭書の保証金をもって、その債務の全部又は一部の弁済に充てることができるものとします。
4 乙は、退去時に、いかなる名目でも甲に対し金銭その他の請求をしないものとします。
5 本契約終了と同時に乙が本物件の明渡をしないときは、乙は以後明渡済に至るまで表記で定める賃料相当額の倍額の使用損害金を諸料金相当額と合わせて甲に支払うものとします。


⑴ 本物件若しくは造作の修繕若しくは模様替又は造作の新設など原状を変更する行為をすること。
⑵ 賃借権の全部又は一部を賃借人以外の者に譲渡若しくは移転し又は担保に供すること。
⑶ 本物件の全部又は一部を賃借人以外の者に転貸すること。
⑷ 本物件内に乙の家族、使用人以外の者を同居若しくは居住させ又は乙以外の者の名義を賃借人の名義と共同で若しくは共同でなく単独で表示すること。


1 自らが、暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第二号に規定する暴力団、暴力団関係企業、総会屋若しくはこれらに準ずる者又はその構成員(以下総称して「反社会的勢力」という)ではないこと。
2. 甲又は乙が法人の場合、自らの役員(業務を執行する社員、取締役、執行役又はこれらに準ずる者をいう)が反社会的勢力ではないこと。
3. 反社会的勢力に自己の名義を利用させ、この契約を締結するものではないこと。
4. 自ら又は第三者を利用して、次の行為をしないこと。
ア 相手方に対する脅迫的な言動又は暴力を用いる行為
イ 偽計または威力を用いて相手方の業務を妨害し、又は信用を毀損する行為。


乙(その家族、使用人などを含む。)が下記の各号の1に該当するときは、甲は乙に対しなんらの通知催告なくして直ちに本契約を解除することができるものとします。この場合、甲が損害を蒙ったときは乙に対しその損害の賠償を請求することができるものとします。 ⑴ 賃料又は清掃料金等の諸料金の支払を延滞したとき。 
⑵ 甲の定める管理規則又はインフォメーションなどを遵守せず他の賃借人などに危険、迷惑などを及ぼす行為をしたとき。
⑶ その他本契約の各条項に違反したとき。




1. 冬期時は、給湯器凍結防止の為、ブレーカーを下げないこと。ブレーカーを下げて凍結した場合は、乙の全額負担となります。
2. 各部屋に設置している「管理規則・インフォメーション」の諸注意を遵守すること。


住所 東京都中央区新川2-2-1 いづみハイツ茅場町707号室
氏名 WACLASS株式会社


社  名: WACLASS株式会社
郵便番号: 〒104-0033
住  所: 東京都中央区新川2-2-1 いづみハイツ茅場町707号室
電話番号: 03 6278 8636
FAX 番号: 03 6278 8635

Agreement on Monthly Lease

This agreement will be used in conjunction with the online booking confirmation. On-line booking confirmation will state the description of real estate property, rental amount, terms and conditions on use of rented room, payment status, contract period. On line booking confirmation will become a part of this agreement and will have the same legal effect as this agreement.

Lessor WACLASS, Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, referred to as the “First Party”) and Lessee Reservation person stated on the booking confirmation letter or the person staying at this property (hereinafter, referred to as the “Second Party”) enter into the Agreement on Monthly Lease, which is intended for use during the agreed period of time, in consideration of the following conditions:

Article 1. (Intended Use)

1. The First Party shall rent the online booking confirmation letter mentioned rental property (hereinafter referred to as “Real Estate Property”) to the Second Party and the Second Party shall use the Real Estate Property for the purpose of use of the room for a period of time stipulated herein, and the said Second Party shall not use this Real Estate Property for resident registration and other purposes.

Article 2. (Rent and Other Fees)

1. A monthly rent shall be as specified herein and be paid to the First Party at one time when the Agreement has been entered into, or be paid on two-phase installments. Note that it is the Second Party that bears the bank transfer fees.
2. The First Party shall not issue a receipt for the rent and other fees received by bank transfer or credit card.
3. Prorated amounts are calculated as stipulated herein, and calculation is made based on the set condition that a month has 30 days.

Article 3. (Cleaning Fees)

The Second Party shall pay the amount stipulated herein, for cleaning and other fees, at the time when the Agreement has been entered into. This amount shall be used for, including but not limited to, cleaning fees at the time when the Second Party leaves the room, and not be redeemed.

Article 4. (Term of Agreement and its Extension)

1. The term of Agreement shall be as stipulated herein.
2. In the event the Second party wishes to extend the term of Agreement, said Second Party shall notify the First Party no later than 14 days prior to the expiration of the term, and only when the First Party has agreed to the extension may the term extended.

Article 5. (Termination)

1. The date of termination shall be the date when the key to the room has been returned. The Second Party shall confirm and notify the First Party of said date, 14 days prior to the expiration of the term.
2. The key shall be returned by the Second Party to the First Party before 11:00 in the morning on the day of return.
3. When the date of termination has been confirmed, the Second Party may not extend the term of Agreement, and the reservation by the next customer shall supersede.
4. In the event the date of termination has not been confirmed, or the Second Party has not notified the First Party of it 14 days prior to the expiration of the term, the Agreement shall be terminated on the date and time as stipulated in the Agreement, and the reservation by the next customer shall supersede.

Article 6. (Penalties)

1. In the event the Agreement has been cancelled less than 14 days prior to the tenants date, will be charged the full amount of rent as a cancellation fee. Cancellation prior to 15 days prior to tenants date will be charged 50% of rent as cancellation fee. However, the cancellation within 48 hours after booking will be free of charge.

Article 7. (Installations and Supplies)

1. Installations and supplies already set in the room are as shown in the installation list.
2. Installations and supplies are all already set in the room for few days use only, and any consumables shall not be added and/or supplemented during the use of the room.
3. Hygienic goods (tooth brush, shaver, and so on) are not set because the placement of such goods is a breach against the Hotel Business Law.
4. Standard installations and supplies may not be taken out of the room at the time of leaving the room at the time of termination.

Article 8. (Security Deposit)

1. The amount of the security deposit shall be as stipulated in the Agreement Requirements, and the Second Party shall pay this security deposit to the First Party at the same time when the Second Party has entered the room.
2. The security deposit shall not bear any interest.
3. The Second Party, during the term of Agreement, may not insist on the use of deposit for any compensation for the rent and other fees to the First Party.
4. In the event the Second Party fails to any pay debts, such as the rent and other fees, or is liable for damages to the First Party, according to the articles of this Agreement, the First Party may use the security deposit to compensate for the insufficiency.
5. In the event the First Party has used the security deposit to compensate for the debts by the Second Party to the First Party, as described in the preceding article, the Second Party shall pay the insufficient amount to the First Party without delay.
6. At the time when this Agreement is terminated, the Second Party shall implement restoration of the room as obliged in the Agreement, and shall hand over the Real Estate Property to the First Party. After this hand-over has been completed, the First Party shall return to the Second Party the balance of the security deposit after all the debts that arose, and the fees the Second Party owed to the First Party, according to the Agreement, have been subtracted at the time of termination.
7. The Second party may not transfer debts to the security deposit to other parties, and it may not be used for collateral guaranty to the debts.

Article 9. (Settlement at the time of Leaving the Room)

1. When the Agreement has terminated, the Second Party shall restore the room to the original state when the Party first started using it, and shall hand it over to the First Party without any particular conditions.
2. In the event any of the installations or supplies in the room were damaged or contaminated due to the Second Party’s neglect and/or intentional use, the Second Party shall pay the actual fees needed to restore such damages.
3. The First Party may use the aforementioned security deposit to compensate for all or part of the debts by the Second Party.
4. The Second Party shall not, at the time of leaving the room, claim any money or others from the First Party, whatever title or subject it may be.
5. In the event the Second Party has not handed over the room to the First Party at the time when the Agreement has been terminated, the Second Party shall continue to pay to the First Party an amount two times as much as the agreed rent amount along with other necessary cost and fees until the time when the Second Party hands it over to the First Party.

Article 10. (Prohibitions)

The Second Party must not do any of the following acts, without prior written approval by the First Party.
⑴ Any acts that change the original state of the Real Estate Property or make any intentional modifications, wall/interior pattern changes, or addition of new installations.
⑵ Assigning/transferring the use or rental right, in whole or in part, to a person other than the lessee for collateral purposes.
⑶ Renting the room in the Real Estate Property, in whole or in part, to a person other than the Lessee.
⑷ Allowing any person other than the Second Party’s family member/members and employee/employees to live in or share the Real Estate Property, or to display any person’s name other than the Second Party’s along or together with that of the Second Party’s.

Article 11. (Confirm that Parties are not any Anti-social Forces)

The First Party and the Second Party shall confirm the following items to each other.
1. Any of the Parties belong to any organized group of gangsters, companies affiliated to those organized groups of gangsters, corporate racketeers, or equivalents (generally referred to as “anti-social forces”), pursuant to Article 2-2 in the Law Regarding the Prevention of Unruly Acts by any Gangsters (1991 Law No. 77).
2. In the event the First Party or the Second Party is a corporate entity, none of their directors (employees who perform business tasks, executive directors, officers or any equivalents) belong to any such anti-social forces.
3. Any of the Parties allows any anti-social forces to use their name and/or names, to enter into this Agreement.
4. Any of the Parties or a third party that any of them may use does not take the following acts.
a. Any intimidating act to counterparts or other acts by means of violence.
b. Any deceptive plans or influences to keep any business from being implemented properly or any acts that can damage credit.

Article 12. (Cancellation of Agreement)

When the Second Party (its family members and employees are included) acts in a way that corresponds to any of the following items, the First Party may cancel this Agreement immediately without any notice or warning. In this case, the First Party may claim compensation for damages, if any, to the Second Party.
⑴ The Second Party delays the payment of the rent or other fees including cleaning fees.
⑵ The Second Party causes any risk or harm to other Lessee residents in the Real Estate Property without following administration rules or information provided by the First Party.
⑶ The Second Party violates any of articles of the Agreement.

Article 13. (Governing Law and Jurisdictional Court)

The First Party and the Second Party both agree that the Agreement complies with and is construed according to the Japanese laws, and if a court action should arise based on this Agreement, the Court in the area where this Real Estate Property exists shall be the court for the first trial.

Article 14. (Miscellaneous)

The Second Party need to observance the following matter:
1. Do not turn off the circuit breaker during winter season, in order to avoid frozen water in the boiler. Please note that if the water in the boiler freezes because the Second Party turned off the circuit breaker, the costs and fees needed to repair it is to be paid by the Second Party’s.
2. Follow rules described in the “Administration Rules and Information” affixed in the room.

This contract will be signed and agreed to the effect of this contract after Party B clicks the "Agree" button below.

The contract signing date shall be the reservation completion date.

<Lessor (First Party)>
Address: #707 izumihaitsukayabacho 2-2-1 Shinkawa,Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to Japan
Name: WACLASS, Co. Ltd.

Contact Information

Company Name: WACLASS, Co, Ltd.
Post Code: 104-0033
Address: #707 izumihaitsukayabacho 2-2-1 Shinkawa,Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to Japan
Phone: 03 6278 8636
FAX: 03 6278 8635


1BR apartment

New Open/Close to Shibuya sta. 201

The total amount of rented housing is:Total of night, includes cleaning fee/handling fee/other fee

Please complete the payment within 10 minutes, or you need to start from the beginning. Thank you.


Reservation result

Thank you for your booking New Open/Close to Shibuya sta. 201

The following is your reservation information. I wish you a pleasant trip.

Close to Shibuya sta. one bedroom with living room and kitchen 201

Suitable for 4 people
Check-in/check-out date
Number of people
Check-in/check-out time
check-in / check-out
Special request

Total cost
Total of night, includes cleaning fee/handling fee/other fee

Attention! The reservation is NOT confirmation. Need to wait staff to check the schedule at working day. If no rooms are available, we will fully refundable your rent.